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How To Tell if Your Pet Loves You

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They love me, they love me not, they love me, they love me not…. For the love of kibble! How can you tell?

We hear you. But good news! Your pet’s been telling you they love you since the moment they strolled/scurried/slithered into your arms!

Because, short of picking the petals off the nearest flower, there are plenty of ways to be sure of your best friend’s affection.

Ready to feel the love? Whether you have a dog, cat, rat, rabbit, bird or reptile, read on to discover all your pet’s most tender tendencies.

Does my dog love me?

Is the sky blue? Seriously, it wouldn’t surprise us if your pup thought you were the best thing since pig’s ears (and that’s a compliment, we promise).

But if you want to see your dog’s devotion, a wagging tail is as good as a love letter.

On the other paw, a wagging tail could also mean anxiety, submission and feeling threatened – but such is the chaos of love.

And if your pup is bringing you presents – like their favourite toys and objects – they love you. Because they want to share their favourite things with their favourite person!

Are you noticing a furry, four-legged shadow? Well, that means your canine wants your company! So if your dog’s following you around, you can rest assured they can’t get e-ruff of you!

And no, your dog doesn’t lick your face to take care of that crumb on the side of your mouth – that’s not the only reason, anyway. Your dog licks your face to groom you and show their affection. Think of it like a lick of love – because they’re mutts about you!

Does my cat love me?

Honestly – fair question. Ha! We’re just kitten, of course they do.

Seriously, whenever you pat them or sit near them, they’re trying to tell you they think you’re purr-fect. Why else would they be purring like that?

But if it’s more of a meow than a purr, fear not. A short, quiet meow is their version of, “Will you meow-y me?” (Say yes.)

If your cunning cat gifts you a dead rodent or bird, think of it as a token of their appreciation. They’re hunters at heart, after all. So in their mind, bringing their favourite human a Mice Krispy treat is the least they could do to show their love.

And the tell-tail sign of feline feels – according to Sir Isaac Mew-ton himself – is if your cat rubs up against you. By doing this, they’re transferring their scent onto you. You’ve been claimed, our friend.

Does my mouse/rat love me?

Mice and rats are incredibly affectionate, playful and intelligent animals. So trying to understand their love language isn’t mouse code.

If your little bro-dent is following you around all day – or being an attention squeak-er by doing something like standing on two legs in front of you – it means they want to play with you!

And when they really love and trust you? You guys will be on your way to snuggle town. They’ll want to cuddle with you all the time! But especially if they’re feeling particularly rat-tled – because when you properly look after a pet rat or mouse, you become their safe space.

Does my rabbit love me?

Rabbits don’t always express their love in a straightforward way – but stay hop-timistic! They’re actually incredibly affectionate.

For starters, if they’re rubbing their chin against you, it doesn’t just mean they’re itchy. Rabbits have scent glands under their chin, and by ‘chinning’ an object – or person (a.k.a., you) – they’re saying “this is mine”. So if we were you, we’d be expecting an 18-carrot ring any day now.

Have you ever seen your bunny do a binkie?

If so, you’ve got yourself a floppy fan. Binkies are a literal jump for joy, and rabbits reserve these for only their favourite friends.

Rabbits are notoriously anxious, so if you’ve got a bunny who trusts you enough to follow you around, sit on your lap or give you licks of love (like their canine counterpart) – you’re in bunny-moon bliss.

Does my bird love me?

Chances are, your bird thinks you’re the Lord of the Wings. And they’re showing their love for you with every chirp.

If there’s a better show of love than a personal serenade, we’ve yet to see it. So if your little songbird is happily crooning or clucking in your company, you’re getting the royal tweet-ment.

And if you’re seeing birds fly around your head, it’s a good thing – it means they trust you!

In the winged-world, mated birds preen each other as a sign of affection and comfort. And if they don’t have a mate? Your bird may start preening you instead! May you never know an out-of-place feather again.

Does my reptile love me?

You know what they say – lizards deserve love too. And when you love your lizard, they’ll love you right back.

Really, lizards are a lot like us. So if they’re not running away from you – you’re off to a great start. If they’re happy to stay in your company – it tips the scales completely in your favour.

And if they let you pick them up? They think you’re one in a chameleon. Because a hiss-ed off reptile would be acting way too skittish for you to even consider picking it up.

But the biggest sign that your reptile loves you? If they’re genuinely just calm around you. Yup, that’s it. If your reptile isn’t showing any signs of aggression, that’s how you know you’re filling their cold blood with all the warm and fuzzies.

Want to show your best friend how much you love them back? PetPost has everything you need to pamper your pet.