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Dog Training & Bark Control

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Dog Training & Bark Control

Who doesn’t want a well-behaved pooch? It’s easier than you think with the right dog training tools and technology. Consider a pet loo that mimics the grass in your backyard. These ingenious indoor pet toilets use artificial grass to collect the urine in a removable tray. Easy for quick disposal and cleaning, with grass refills available. Training pads are also a useful way to get your puppy peeing in a place you choose – just throw away when soiled. Or try a repellent spray in areas you want your dog to avoid. Is your dog a barker? Bark control collars use different means to discourage your pooch from barking. These include infusions of citronella, high-pitched ultrasonic tones (inaudible to humans) and a range of vibration combinations. There’s also a ‘remote reward’ treat dispenser to reward your dog for good behaviour.