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A Guide to Pet Zodiac Signs

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5 min read

Ever wondered if your furry friend's behaviour aligns with their zodiac sign? Well, you're in the right place. 
In this blog, we'll explore how your pet's birthdate influences their behaviours and preferences, providing you with valuable insights into their cosmic traits.

Aries (March 21 - April 19) 

The Adventurous Explorer

Pet Characteristics: Energetic play-chaser, assertive when marking territory, brave when guarding the home, passionate about treats, and possibly a little stubborn.

Typical Pets: Dogs that love agility courses, cats that climb everywhere, birds that love to race.

Recommended Items: a Ball Launcher or Oven Roasted Chicken Cat Treats

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

The Comfort Seeker

Pet Characteristics: Loves napping spots, patient when waiting for food, enjoys familiar environments, and has a soft spot for gourmet pet food.

Typical Pets: Cats that seek out the softest resting spots, dogs that enjoy long naps in the sun.

Recommended Items: Calming Peanut Butter or Plant Based Catnip Spray

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

The Playful Communicator

Pet Characteristics: Two pets in one – one moment cuddly, the next mischievous, curious about everything, and talkative meows or barks.

Typical Pets: Birds that mimic sounds, cats that 'talk' a lot, dogs that are social butterflies.

Recommended Items: Think 2 in 1 toys like a Squeaky and Plush Dog Toy or an LED Light and Teaser Wand Cat Toy

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

The Nurturing Protector

Pet Characteristics: Loves their cozy bed or perch, intuitive to your emotions, protective of family members and territory, and cherishes feeding time.

Typical Pets: Motherly cats that care for other kittens, dogs that are protective of their human family members, birds that are particularly attentive to their eggs or chicks.

Recommended Items: a Round Dog Bed or a Raised Bowl

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

The Royal Show-off

Pet Characteristics: Adores being the centre of attention, expressive purrs or howls, king or queen of their domain, and loyal subjects (that's you!) 

Typical Pets: Dogs that strut their stuff at the dog park, cats that demand your attention with dramatic flair, birds that love to show off their vocal talents.

Recommended Items: a Fashionable Dog Collar or a Faux Fur Cat Sleeping Bag

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

The Detail-Oriented Perfectionist

Pet Characteristics: Always grooming, notices changes in the household, particular about their toys, and may have a routine for everything.

Typical Pets: Cats that groom themselves meticulously, dogs that have specific ways they play with their toys or arrange them, birds that maintain a pristine nest.

Recommended Item: Dog Shampoo or a Grooming Centre with a massager

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

The Harmonious Partner

Pet Characteristics: Adores being around people, gracefully prances or parades, seeks balance (especially on narrow ledges or fences), and loves playdates with fellow pets.

Typical Pets: Pets that thrive in pairs like lovebirds, dogs that love play dates, or cats that are more social and enjoy the company of others.

Recommended Items: Fashionista Velvet Star Furrsace Dog Jacket or a Cuddly companion Cat Toy

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

The Intense Observer

Pet Characteristics: Can stare you down when they want something, mysteriously disappears and reappears, enjoys sneaky play, and has a strong will.

Typical Pets: Cats that observe everything from the shadows, dogs with piercing gazes that seem to see into your soul, reptiles that wait patiently for their prey.

Recommended Items: an Interactive Dog Toy or a Cat Tunnel

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

The Free Spirit

Pet Characteristics: Born adventurer, loves open windows or walks, eager to explore, and curious about new scents or sounds.

Typical Pets: Dogs that are always ready for a long hike or new adventure, cats that are escape artists, birds that love to fly and explore outside their cages.

Recommended Items: Quickfit Dog Harness or Cat Collar with bell

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

The Disciplined Achiever

Pet Characteristics: Climbs or jumps to high places, loyal to their humans, can be trained to achieve pet goals (like tricks or tasks ), and enjoys structured playtime.

Typical Pets: Dogs that excel in obedience training, cats that have a strong territorial sense, birds or other pets that are methodical in their daily routines.

Recommended Items: Chicken Flavoured Dog Training Treats or a Multi Level Scratching Post

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

The Eccentric Innovator

Pet Characteristics: Surprisingly clever, might figure out hidden treat locations, enjoys new play methods, and may befriend the most unusual allies (like the fish or the bird).

Typical Pets: Pets with unique patterns or unusual behaviours, birds that pick up strange habits, or cats and dogs that have their own peculiar ways of doing things.

Recommended Items: a Puzzle Feeder or a Cat Play Circuit

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

The Dreamy Empath

Pet Characteristics: Daydreams at windows, gentle and compassionate with fellow pets, knows your routines, and loves melodious sounds.

Typical Pets: Cats that daydream while looking out the window, dogs that seem to sense their owner's emotions, birds or other pets that react strongly to the mood of their environment.

Recommended Items: Plush Dog Toy or a Cat Window Hammock

Does your pet's zodiac sign reflect their personality?

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