We’ve studied bark-eology. We’ve consulted the purr-fessionals. We’ve researched the hiss-tory. And the results are in.
Every pet’s personality – while still unique – fits into one of ten key archetypes.
The Hero, The Lover, The Outlaw – and more. William Shakes-paw tried to tell us years ago!
But the question remains: which of these archetypes best suits your fur (or scale) baby?
We’re going through all ten. Can you pick out your pet?
The Lover

You know the type.
The pet who wears their heart on their paw. Who always has time for cuddles. And whose eyes aren’t just the window to their soul – but the vessel for them to see into yours.
Lovers enjoy going for long walks on the beach. But when the mood strikes, they’re not opposed to a quiet night in – Pet-flix and chill style.
Either way, lovers need connection and companionship – those co-dependent cuties.
And no, it’s not only raining cats and dogs in this archetype – lizards need love too, people!
The Magician

Abracadabra, alakazam. Now I see you – wait. Now I don’t think I can!
Magician owners will understand this feeling all too well.
Because just between us – Harry Paw-ter isn’t the only whiskered wizard. Magicians are everywhere. You probably just haven’t noticed, what with them hiding under their invisibility claw-ks and all.
But with their impressive powers of teleportation and purr-suasion – magicians are a force to be reckoned with. (That is, if you can find them.)
The Outlaw

Fiercely independent, owes no favours, and brave to a fault. Outlaws are the ulti-mutt rebels.
Sure, they might get hiss-ed off every now and then. And maybe they’re a bit of a Shih Tzu stirrer. But no one can deny, these loose cannons certainly keep things interesting.
Really, you can learn a lot from an outlaw. March to the beat of your own drum! Don’t cower before authority! Run away in the middle of the night – and don’t tell anyone where you’re going – so they all worry and fret over your return!
Okay… maybe not that last one. Regardless, an outlaw’s independence is inspiring.
The Explorer

It took a very specific skill set for Sherlock Bones to learn how to follow a lead.
You need to be curious, driven, motivated – and certainly not afraid of heights. All qualities that explorers have in spades.
Explorers are – obviously – always ready for adventure. And they never shy away from an op-paw-tunity to wade into unchartered territory. Especially if the journey leads to their next meal.
Their motto? One small step for pet, one giant leap for petkind!
The Sage

Some pets are just happy to be here. Others were put on this earth knowing all the secrets of the universe. Sages belong to the second cat-egory.
Yes, they’re judging you. Because yes, they know better. And no – they’d never say that out loud. These wise whiskers are far too paw-lite for that.
Dignified doggos, civil cats and respectful rabbits, sages are incredibly well-behaved – preferring to sip their puppucinos with their pinky paws up.
But when the going gets ruff, you can always rely on a sage’s calm character and assessed advice to steer you in the right direction.
The Ruler

It’s the ruler’s world. We’re all just living in it.
Rulers will take their breakfast at sniff-any’s, their water ice cold and their chew toys of the shoe or skirting board variety – thank you very much.
Large (not necessarily in stature – but always in spirit) and in charge, rulers are the head honchos of the household. So if you have a ruler, and you think you own them – you’re bark-ing mad.
But the good mews? They’re (usually) benevolent leaders – and won’t let their subjects suffer (too much) under their rule.
The Jester

Now we’re sure you’ve heard of jesters. They’re all over Paw-llywood!
Racking up billions of views all over the inter-pet, jesters are really making a name for themselves.
As the clumsy, clueless, comedic relief type of characters.
They’ll provide the laughs when you’re feeling down and meow-t – and keep the good times rolling (over) when you need it most.
The Bard

Whether it’s by The Beagles, Meow-ly Cyrus or Kit-ty Purr-y – who doesn’t love being serenaded?
With a bard in your yard, you can make like The Dog-gie Brothers and listen to the music – all the time!
And yes, we do mean all the time. Because when a bard starts singing, they don’t know when to stop.
So, for your sake, we hope the sound of barking, meowing, chirping, hissing and yelping is music to your ears.
The Hero

Strange person knocking at the door? Never fear! The hero is here.
Oh. False alarm – it was just the next-door neighbour. But aren’t you glad a hero checked it out, just in case?
Hero owners may beg to differ.
The ultimate watch dog/cat/bird/lizard/fish/guinea pig, heroes would fight off the entire cast of Jurassic Bark to keep their owners safe.
Even if it means going mutts at the first sign of danger.
The Trickster
Sit, stay, come, round-off-back-handspring-full-twist-split – it’s no tall order for a trickster.
More a show poodle than a one-trick pony, tricksters look for every opportunity to flaunt their flair.
Doing the gardening? A trickster will fetch you the hose.
Listening to music? A trickster will dance, twirl and pirouette with you.
Pointing out the window? A trickster will see your finger gun and play dead – what an overachiever. And they won’t let up until they hear the ap-paws.
They see a crowd? They become a clown.