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Housing Your Chickens

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Chickens have particular housing requirements. They need shade in summer, shelter from wind and rain in winter, and protection all year round from foxes, dogs and hawks.

The type of housing you choose for your chickens depends largely on how many you have.

Housing Solutions for a Small Flock

If you have only two or three chickens, a “chicken tractor” is an excellent option. This is a small, portable chicken coop on wheels that you can move every few days to a fresh spot in the garden. It’s beneficial for your chickens and your garden, as chickens help control pests naturally. A chicken tractor can also be repositioned for maximum sun exposure in winter and shade in summer. You can find plenty of designs online or purchase one pre-made.

Housing Options for Larger Flocks

For those with more than three or four chickens, a lockable hen house with an enclosed chicken yard is the most practical solution. This setup allows your chickens to roam freely, take dust baths, and engage in their natural behaviors. Place the hen house on one side of the yard, with access from the back for easy cleaning and egg collection. A simple drawbridge-style ladder can be pulled up at night to close off the henhouse and keep your chickens safe.

Elevating the hen house off the ground improves ventilation in summer and helps it stay dry in winter.

Protecting Your Chickens from Predators

Predator protection is crucial, as foxes and other animals can be very determined. Nighttime is especially dangerous, so it’s essential to secure your chickens’ environment thoroughly.

Foxes are unbelievably creative when it comes to getting into a chook yard. You might wonder, can foxes climb fences? The answer is yes—they can climb fences with surprising agility, scale nearby trees, and dig under barriers.

All this means you have to think like a fox and look for any chink in your yard. You’ll need to enclose the entire yard in chicken wire, burying it at least 30 centimetres into the ground or embedding it in concrete. An alternative is to lay an apron of chicken wire around the perimeter of the yard, burying it a few centimetres deep, or to lay reinforcing mesh inside the yard.

You’ll also need to roof your yard with chicken wire to stop foxes scaling fences or trees to get into the yard. This will also protect the chickens from large predatory birds such as hawks and eagles which are particularly keen on snatching smaller birds and chicks. Remember you’ll need to enter the chicken yard to change the straw and fill up feed and water containers so make sure it’s a comfortable height, so you’re not stooping or crawling.

Ensuring Comfort in All Weather

Chickens are sensitive to extreme weather, which can affect their health and egg production. There are many things you can do to make them more comfortable and keep up their laying capacity.

The RSPCA recommends positioning the henhouse where it receives morning sun but stays cool in the afternoon.

Ideally the yard will be situated under deciduous trees to provide relief from the summer heat. If your yard lacks natural shade, consider adding shade cloth, particularly for protection against the late-afternoon westerly sun.

In winter, focus on shielding your chickens from prevailing winds and rain. You could build your yard against a southerly fence, or perhaps use old tin sheets to provide a windbreak.

The Need for Nesting Boxes

Your hen house should include a perch for your chickens to roost on at night and nesting boxes lined with clean straw for egg-laying. Chickens typically lay in the morning, so it’s important to have enough nesting boxes for your flock. A good rule of thumb is two boxes for every five birds, but you may need more if you notice a queue forming. Ensure that both the henhouse and the yard are easily accessible for cleaning out soiled straw and droppings.

Don’t waste the droppings – they’re almost as valuable as the eggs. Add them to your compost bin and watch it develop into a rich, friable, organic mulch for your garden!

Providing the right environment for your chickens is key to keeping them safe, healthy, and happy. With thoughtful planning and a little effort, you can create a secure and comfortable home that meets all their needs year-round.
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