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Feliway Diffusers & Sprays for cats are a synthetic replica of the feline facial pheromone, which cats use to establish their territory as safe and secure. This scent has the potential to enhance cat behavior.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Feliway work for cats?

Feliway operates by emitting a pheromone that induces a calming influence on cats. This synthetic version of a natural pheromone found in cats communicates feelings of security and contentment, thereby promoting relaxation and reducing feline stress. Offering a variety of formulations tailored to address distinct cat behavior concerns. Feliway Classic represents the original calming formula, effective even against unwanted spraying. Feliway Friends is crafted to alleviate tension and conflicts among cats.

Does Feliway help with anxiety?

Feliway offers support for anxiety in cats. The formulation of Feliway includes a pheromone that conveys feelings of security and contentment to cats. By utilizing the spray or diffuser, it's possible to soothe anxious or apprehensive felines. However, since each cat is unique, the effectiveness of Feliway can vary among individuals. Consult your veterinarian to explore options for addressing your cat's anxiety and to determine if Feliway could potentially provide relief for your furry companion.

How often do I need to refill my Feliway diffuser?

It's recommended to refill your Feliway diffuser approximately every 30 days or when it's close to being empty. Feliway provides refill packs tailored for all their product variations. To use, just follow the provided instructions to insert the refill into your plug-in diffuser, and it will be prepared for use.

What does Feliway Friends do?

Feliway Friends is an easy to use solution to help reduce signs of conflict between your cats:

  • Fighting
  • Chasing
  • Blocking
  • Staring

Feliway Friends helps your cats to get along better at home. When used continuously it maintains harmony between them.

What is the difference between Feliway and Feliway Friends?

Feliway aids in stress management in households with multiple cats by communicating to the cat, 'this is my territory, and I feel secure here.' In situations where cats within a home are at odds or engaged in visible conflicts, the supplementary assistance of the synthetic pheromone found in Feliway Friends might be necessary. This can help diffuse the tense situation and facilitate the mending of relationships between those feline companions.

Feliway Product Comparison Table

Product Diffuser 48ml Refill Vial
Feliway Diffuser & Refill
Feliway Refill
Feliway Friends Diffuser & Refill
Feliway Friends Refill
Feliway Spray 60ml Spray bottle