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Effective Flea and Worm Treatment

Advocate is a multifaceted topical solution designed for pets, ensuring they remain protected from a range of common parasites. Not only does it act rapidly against fleas, eliminating adult fleas and their larvae, but it also provides effective prevention against heartworm and various gastrointestinal worms. Additionally, Advocate aids in the treatment of ear mites, Sarcoptes, and Demodex mites.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Advocate for dogs used?

Advocate for dogs is used as a treatment to eliminate fleas, ear mites, biting lice, and parasitic worms. It also helps prevent diseases caused by parasites such as flea allergic dermatitis, heartworm, mange and other skin diseases from mites.

Advocate can be used to treat dogs from seven weeks of age.

What is Advocate for cats used for?

Advocate for cats can be used as a treatment for cats aged nine weeks or older for fleas, heartworm, lungworm, mites and feline mange.

Like Advocate for dogs, it kills existing parasites and provides ongoing prevention and protection.

What are the active ingredients in Advocate?

The treatment contains two active ingredients – imidacloprid and moxidectin, which are neurotoxins that cause paralysis and death of common parasites in dogs and cats.

How do I use Advocate?

It’s important to apply Advocate to an area your pet cannot lick, such as the back of the neck or between the shoulder blades. You will need to part the fur and then empty the entire tube of product onto the skin.

Following treatment, you should not touch or wash the area for a few hours. Advocate is water-resistant, so it won’t easily wash off, but bathing your pet after application could reduce its effectiveness.

It is also safe to use on pregnant and lactating pets.

Are the dog and cat varieties of Advocate interchangeable?

The products contain different concentrations of active ingredients for dogs and cats, and so are not interchangeable.

How often should I give my pet Advocate?

A monthly treatment is recommended to prevent recurring infestations and keep your pet healthy.

Do vets recommend Advocate?

Many vets recommend Advocate, as it is so effective at eliminating common parasites and is easy to apply to pets. It also offers an alternative for pets that don’t like swallowing a tablet.

Which Advocate product should I give to my pet?

The Advocate range includes treatments for tiny dogs under 4kgs up to large dogs over 25kgs, and for cats under 4kgs and over 4kgs. You should use the product designed for your pet’s species and size and in strict accordance with directions.

What happens if I don’t treat my dog or cat for parasites?

Pet parasites cause more than irritation. They can be very harmful to your dog or cat and lead to diseases or death.

For example, heartworm in a dog can result in heart failure, severe lung disease, and organ damage. In cats, certain parasites can lead to lungworm – a respiratory infection that can be severe in some cases.

Advocate products make it easy to give your dog or cat an effective and fast-acting treatment against harmful parasites and help keep them healthy and happy.